Best Homoeopath with 38 years of experience
in Los Angeles now-a-days at following address

2378, Pinecrest St, Simi Valley, CA 93065

Ph : 805 587 0554


The Doctor
Dr. Neelam Avtar Singh

Dr. Neelam Avtar Singh has successfully treated over a million patients in a career spanning over thirty eight years. She has a vast experience of curing incurable diseases like cancer, gluten allergy, celiac, depression and asthma. She specialises in treating Coeliac disease/Wheat allergy/Gluten allergy for more than 17 years. She is one of the best doctors in Patiala (Punjab, India) who has treated allergies, migraine, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, arthritis, gout, surgical cases (kidney stones, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, prostate enlargement, corns, warts, and tumours), skin problems, behaviour abnormalities (phobias, disobedience, abusiveness, thumb sucking etc in children) and epilepsy. She has treated patients of different countries like America, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Germany, England, Spain, South Africa and many more.

1. Book your appointment for treatment
2. Book counselling session for depression patients, couples, students and many other situations.

Latest Videos


Wheat Allergy Treatment

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec venenatis vehicula rhoncus. Suspendisse ultricies posuere euismod. Quisque rutrum sollicitudin faucibus. Ut eu enim ac augue ultricies bibendum. Proin eget lectus diam, id feugiat ante. Nam lobortis magna sed est posuere eget ornare augue facilisis.

Asthma Treatment

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec venenatis vehicula rhoncus. Suspendisse ultricies posuere euismod. Quisque rutrum sollicitudin faucibus. Ut eu enim ac augue ultricies bibendum. Proin eget lectus diam, id feugiat ante. Nam lobortis magna sed est posuere eget ornare augue facilisis.

Homeopathic Repertory Guide to Rubrics

A unique work on repertory with explanation of all mind rubrics (858) and innumerable subrubrics, 616 pages.
Source book is Synthesis Repertory by Frederick Shroyens .

Gallery- Before & After

Fungal Nails


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