Wheat Allergy/ Gluten Allergy/ Coeliac disease 8


Age 2 and half years
Her TTG was >300 on 8.6.13
When the child came to me with her parents, she was in a very bad state. She was drowsy and was being carried by her father. Rather she was in semi-conscious state. She did not open her eyes.

I asked for how long has she been in this state?
Her father told me, “She is like this from many months. Her wheat allergy was detected in June 2013. We are not giving her wheat for the last 6 months and her condition is like this since then. After she was diagnosed with wheat allergy she became thin with big belly and passed stool 5-6 times a day. Now she has swollen face and whole body is swollen. Even allopathic medicines did not give any relief. Though she is a little better from 4-5 months but she has become too drowsy. She has the habit of sucking thumb. She doesn’t play and wants her mother to carry her. She remains in bed all the time. She eats whatever is given to her.”

The picture was clear. The most important thing was drowsiness and clinging to mother. I just saw the child; her condition was as if she will not recover and may die soon. Her eyes were closed, thumb in her mouth, in the lap of her father.

On the basis of above condition, I gave her one dose of Gels 30. After one week, she was better. All swelling had gone. After another week, she was much better. I was astonished to see her face and her eyes were opened.

After one month, she was perfectly alright. She became very active, little fat with round and puffy cheeks. The important thing was that she became very active. I didn’t repeat any medicine.
12.3.14 She was given Gels 200 one dose. Better.
She is still on treatment, but her growth and activity has become all normal. The habit of sucking thumb has also gone.

It is advised not to take any medicine on your own by reading the treated cases.