Another wheat allergy case
DK age 5 years male, 13.7.16
This is a very difficult case where I had to change three medicines because all medicines gave temporary relief but at the end one medicine cured him fully.
Patient came to know about wheat allergy one year ago when the child suffered from weight loss, growth less than other children of his age, blood (Hb) only 8.3. He used to have pain in abdomen very frequently immediately after eating. His abdomen was like pot belly. He does not like to eat fruits or vegetables. He asks for wheat chapatti all the time.
His height | 3’1” | |
Weight | 13.2kg | |
tTg | 52.0 (<20) |
Regarding his nature, he never obeys his parents. He is very obstinate. He loves to play all the time and loves to play alone. He is happy when he is alone. Even in school he plays alone and does not mix with any of his classmates. Even if any relatives come, he does not meet them. He gets irritated if someone touches him. He is much afraid of dark and injections. In studies he is good and intelligent. But he does not do his school homework but says his mother to finish his homework. He was too lazy to do his homework. There is never a single complaint from the school. He talks a lot. He loves playing games on mobile.
Wt 13.2Kg
Ht 3’1.5”
Wheat agg
Wheat desires
Company averse to, alone when amel
Fear dark
Fear injured of being
Estranged family from his, kind with his entourage and strangers (When a child has no complaints from school but at home he is much mischievous)
Appetite diminished
Common medicine: Lycopodium
But I did not give him Lyco because one symptom which was much marked that he loves to play alone, I preferred to give Baryta Carb because his looks gave me the idea of this medicine and I failed here. I tried in all the three potencies for three months but there was no relief in any of the symptoms.
Second Medicine was Lycopodium
During Baryta carb time his Hb was only 6.6 and ttg 12.5 (<10) But he became more obstinate and stopped going school.
I added one more rubric
Aversion to school (Lyco)
3.12.16 | Lyco 1M. | |
9.1.17 | Lyco 1M. | |
Ht | 3’3” | |
Wt | 14.5 Kg |
But overall condition of the child was same. He was totally disobedient, obstinate, loss of appetite, pain in legs and growth less. Though weight increased to 15.7 and height 3’41/2”. But parents were not satisfied with the result. Ttg was 19.3
They stopped medicine for 6 months.
Then they came again.
I took case history again and came out with following rubrics
Fear of dark
Fear injured of being
Company aversion to, alone while amel
Touch aversion to being
Appetite diminished
The medicine came out was Stramonium, which was very close earlier too.
21.6.17 Stram 30/1
0.7.17 Stram 200/1
26.7.17 Stram 1M/1
Child was better, eating food sometimes normal but occasionally disturbs.
29.8.17 Stram 1M/1
Ttg 4.9 (<10)
Hb 10.0
Wt 16 Kg
Ht 3’5”
Patient was better.
Report in 24.3.18
Ttg 5.7 (<10)
Hb 9.3
Wt 18.1
Ht 3’7”
Report on 20.9.18
Hb 9.6
Ttg 7.1
Then again missed medicine for some months.
Continue for some months, again left due to lockdown. Now child is eating wheat everyday.
His latest report
Hb 11.0
Ttg 7.33 (<20)
Much active
Wt 24.6 kg
Ht 4’21/2”
Given medicine for further follow up.