Hypothyroidism Case 1


This is the case of a girl aged 25 years. She had hoarseness of voice for about 6 months. Someone advised her to go in for thyroid test. On 15.6.10 she went for test T3, T4 and TSH. It was

T3 – 0.90,

T4 – 5.50,

TSH – 10.90.

      When she saw her reports she got worried for this problem. Her father (an allopathic doctor) asked her to start the treatment, which she would have to take for the rest of her life. She was engaged and her marriage was fixed. She was in dilemma whether to tell her in-laws. Just to confirm the report, she went to some other laboratory for another test. She got her test of TSH only and the report on 16.6.10 was 15.50. Now her tension increased as it was much more than the last day report.

Her sister was studying with my daughter. So, she rang me and told me about her problem. She was worried because her wedding was in 3 months. I asked her to visit my Mohali unit on Saturday.

She came on 19th June 2010 with her mother. She told me all about her problem.

On asking about her nature she told me that she gets angry quickly but feels remorse afterwards. Within half an hour, she even asks for forgiveness from others.

On asking about her entertainment or watching TV, she told that she watches TV for time pass. But she loves music a lot. She learns songs easily and sings well.

She is a jolly natured person, loves the company of friends and remains cheerful. On asking about any anxiety or worry, she told that on the day she received her report she was petrified, but now she is not so worried. She told that she is not afraid of her disease but does not know how to tell her in laws.

She likes the company of all family members. She likes to travel. If she goes out for a day or two, she is fine, but if she remains away from home for long, she becomes homesick.

She cries easily but doesn’t like sympathy from anyone. She does all her work in a casual way, without much perfection. She has no fear of dark or injection but is afraid of lizards and running water.

As a whole I came out with two-three main points. First her love for music, second her careless and frivolous attitude and third her cheerful nature. Anger and repentance were also marked. So I took following rubrics.

Rubrics :

  • Cheerful, music from
  • Singing involuntarily on hearing a single note sung
  • Wander desire for
  • Anger alternating with repentance

One more thing was there, that she was confused whether to tell her in laws or not. She was more confused i.e. groping as if in the dark.

So I gave her Crocus Sativa 1M on 19th June 2010.

26.6.10 But she came on 26th that her voice is totally gone. I gave her one dose and asked to visit again after 15 days.
17.7.10 She came with new TSH report of 7.11, which was quite less than the previous report.
31.7.10 Medicine for 15 days.
14.8.10 She came with a new TSH report of 5.90 but this time she went to PGI for her throat problem and they diagnosed it as ‘Vocal cord polyp; outer 2/3rd and post 1/3rd’ and they advised surgery.

This time I took her symptoms again. I asked now that you know that you have polyp in vocal cords, what do you want to do now as your wedding is near.

She told that if my thyroid would not have been treated by you, I would not have developed faith in homoeopathy, I could think of surgery but now I have faith that homoeopathy can treat it. I took two rubrics :

  • Objective reasonable
  • Hopeful

There were seven medicine under this rubric – Ars alb, Alum, Calc. C., Lach., Nat Mur., Nit. Acid, Puls. To differentiate all the medicine I started from AA, I knew she is not at all fastidious, rather a heedless kind of person. Then I asked about any cruelties, if she can watch on TV, she said no, no, not at all. So I could think of Cal. Carb. She is not Puls as she doesn’t like sympathy. Nitric Acid is a revengeful and hatred kind of person, which was not in her. Moreover the basic character of ‘cruelty can’t see’ was very marked in her.

On 14.8.10, I gave her a dose fo Calc. Carb 1M.

On 28.8.10, she told that she has no relief, so I gave Calc. C. 200. She told her wedding is on 19.9.10 and one week before her wedding, she came to me. She was accompanied by her mother and father. She was very happy as her voice got perfectly alright just in a day. She gave me two packets of sweets and showed me her final report of TSH, which was 5.12. She was very happy and both her problems were OK. Her father who is an allopathic doctor was astonished to see the effect of homoeopathy and thanked me.

Recently she visited me again after 2-3 months. She showed her new TSH report which is 2.39, though the medicine was stopped about 3 months back.

It is advised not to take any medicine on your own by reading the treated cases.