Fibroid Uterus


JB, age 46 yrs.
Mrs. JB who was my neighbour, came to me on 2.9.04 with the following Ultrasonographreport: Bulky uterus, 2 small oval hypoechoic area, 19mm and 7mm in posterior myometrium, 3-4 cyst in cervix 5mm.

Present Complaints:
She had the problem of excessive bleeding during menses from the last 3-4 months. In July 04 she had continuous bleeding for more than 15 days. She went for allopathic treatment in which hormones were given. But the excessive bleeding continued. She went for ultrasonography on 23.7.04 which showed fibroid uterus and cysts at cervix. But she came to me after 2 months of the above mentioned ultrasound report (Frivolous attitude). She told me that doctors have advised her to go in for operation.

Case History:
My first question was that when doctors have advised you for operation then why have you come to me? She replied, “I want to take homoeopathy first. If it gets cured with medicines then what is the need of operation.”

I asked if she had any fear of operation, she said, “No, not at all. I have no fear of operation. I want to try homoeopathy. I have seen many cases being cured by you. If I get well by homoeopathy, it is alright otherwise I will go in for operation.” Her tone was totally carefree, non serious.

Any anxiety or worry about the disease or anything else; she said, “No, I have no such worry.”

How much do you spend?
She said I don’t spend much. I am alone (She lost her husband 14 years ago. He died of cancer. She didn’t remarry on account of her children). I have a lot of desires but I have to suppress them on account of my situation. Sometimes when I spend a lot, I repent later on. I usually bargain a lot while purchasing something.

On asking about her tendency to cry, she said,”I weep easily. I always have the desire to be consoled. I need someone to console me. I like sympathy.”

Pulsatilla 30

After one month: Her menses was better than the previous time. There were no clots and the bleeding was also less. Pulsatilla 6

After 2 months: She had recurrence of joint pains. Puls 200.

After 3 months: She had pain in her wrist, Puls 1M was given.

After a period of 6 months she went for USG once again i.e. on 12.3.05, and there was no fibroid and cyst.

USG Report: No abnormal mass in relation to uterus. Cervix normal.

It is advised not to take any medicine on your own by reading the treated cases.