Diabetes Case


PJ, 40/F
She was diabetic. Her FBS was 250mg. She had severe dry cough without discharge. She had pain in the calf region. She came for the treatment of diabetes.

I asked her about her nature.
She said, “I am very mild. I yield to the wishes of others. When in anger, I generally do not say anything to anyone but sometimes I lose control also and say whatever that comes to my mind. I have a lot of anxiety about my children. As I am a school teacher I want my children to stand first in the class.”

How much anxiety do you have for your children?
“A lot. My son doesn’t study at all that is why I care a lot for my son.”

Any other anxiety?
“I am diabetic; I think a lot about this disease also.”

12.5.03 Acid Phos 30

19.5.03 little relief in pain in legs.
For one and a half month she was given Acid Phos 6, 200 and 1M, but there was little relief. In general she had very less improvement. I took the case once again.

Though her symptoms were the same but the one thing I noticed in her was that whenever I asked her a question, she would remain quiet for sometime, and would answer only when the question was repeated.
I asked her whether she was content with her life; she replied in the affirmative.

According to the symptoms three medicines were in common i.e. Cocc, Phos and Zincum.
To differentiate these medicines, I asked her, why she doesn’t say anything to anyone when angry?

She replied, “I do not say anything because there is no good in it. All other family members are elder to me. Moreover I feel that retorting would worsen the situation, so it is better not to say anything.”
Based on these symptoms the following prescription was made:-


23.6.03 Cocculus Ind 30/1.


7.7.03 Little relief, Cocc 6.
14.7.03 Little relief, Cocc 200.
28.7.03 Urticarea from 3-4 days.
4.8.03 FBS 115mg.
8.9.03 Throat infection. Cocc 30.

FBS 100mg.

6.10.03 Pain in legs occasional. FBS 90mg.
20.10.03 Pain in legs very less, urticarea 75% improved.
27.10.03 Better.
3.11.03 FBS 98mg. Better in all respect.
1.12.03 FBS 96, Better.

She goes for FBS tests regularly. It is always within limit.

It is advised not to take any medicine on your own by reading the treated cases.