Anxiety Disorder Case 2


Anxiety neurosis is a term covering several different forms of abnormal psychological disorders including pathological anxiety, fears, phobias and panic attacks. It describes nervous system disorders as irrational or illogical worry not based on fact.

G.K., aged 25 years,
Severe pain in lower abdomen (both sides) from the last 5 years.
The problem increases with exertion and heavy workload.
Palpitation with trembling and continuous weight-loss.

Present complaints: “Whenever someone is about to visit my house, I start trembling and become nervous. I can’t do anything. I feel very weak. I can’t stand. My heart sinks and starts beating faster. I have to go out for fresh air. Especially, when someone from my in- laws’ family comes to my home, my condition worsens.”

“Case History: “Dr. Sahib, I was a very bold and active girl before my marriage. I even went to the market alone. Being the eldest of three sisters, I used to do the whole house-hold work myself. Even after my marriage I didn’t have any problem for the first 7-8 months. We had a joint family and we used to live in my brother-in-law’s house. But, my in-laws, especially my mother and brother in-law, interfered a lot in my life. Slowly but steadily our relation turned sour. My brother-in-law’s leg got fractured. I looked after him but that also didn’t help in improving the bitterness in our relations. Once, my brother-in-law and mother-in-law even abused me. Just remembering the things they said about me, still sends a shiver down my spine. When nothing seemed to go right, my husband and I shifted out of that house to another place. My problem started during this period.”

“I am still quite afraid of both of them. My condition kept on getting worse with time. When I gave birth to a girl child, no one from my in-laws family came to see or congratulate me. Even when we built our own house, no one came from my in-laws side. The worst phase of my life came when I gave birth to a male child. When I came to know that it is a male child two years ago. I started laughing loudly. I started behaving as if I were mad. My state deteriorated and I became very weak. Doctors gave me strong sedatives to control my condition.”

“I cannot hear bad news; I become tense after hearing such news. Sometimes I feel as if I am going to become insane. I want to avoid all of this.”

“Dr. Sahib, I always remain tense and cry at trifles. I get frightened very easily. My weight is reducing. I am getting weaker day by day. My weight is only 37 Kg. My Hb is only 9 gm%. I can’t tolerate any bad news. I can’t see a horror or an action movie on TV. I can’t bear noise. I am very sensitive to it. I like cleanliness. But when I am unable to do work due to the problem, I get irritated.”

“Dr. I feel that I will have a nervous breakdown. I can’t hear bad news. I can’t go to visit any sick relative in the hospital. I start trembling. Sometimes I even faint. I become dull. I am fed up with my problem. I have ruined my own life. Please give me medicine so that I can become normal. I think that I can’t become normal.”

Calc Carb 30.

After one week there was relief in all the aspects. The medicine was continued for three months. After three months all her fears and anxiety had vanished. Her Hb level increased to 12 gm% and her weight increased to 45 kg in three months. It’s been six years and she has not encountered the problem again.

It is advised not to take any medicine on your own by reading the treated cases.