
  • Depression: Platina the most humble lady

It is said ‘Aurum is King’, ‘Platina is Queen’. All homoeopathic physicians know platina as the most egoistic, most haughty and a proud woman. But I saw a Platina who was most humble, most gentle and highly idealistic.

A lady aged, 48 years went to Dr. A.S.Mann for the treatment of depression and other related problems in Feb 2004. Her Husband died about one and a half years back. Since then she has not been keeping well. Dr. Mann prescribed Ignatia 30. After 15 days she was given Ignatia 6. As I have started an ASRH unit at Mohali, Dr. A.S.Mann advised her take medicine from me at Mohali (Chandigarh) because she belongs to Chandigarh and Dr. Mann thought it is not convenient for a patient to travel more than 150 km after every few days.

When she came to me, she had a bit of relief but no remarkable change. Dr. Mann asked me to take the case once again so that the best selected medicine could be found out.

She said, “My husband died about one and a half years back. He died in my arms. He was very fit and never had any problem. He died just within a few minutes. That fateful day he came back from his morning walk and complained of pain in his chest. Immediately he was taken to the hospital, but he died on the way. He was so healthy that he never took any tablet for even headache. The scene of death is still fresh in my mind. I am not able to forget that. I think that if a person like my husband, so healthy, can die; then anything can happen to us.”

“At that time I managed somehow and controlled all my emotions. My heart was crying but I didn’t show my feelings to anyone and even hid my feelings from my children. I thought that if my children see me in a sad and gloomy mood, they will be broken. Internally, I was totally shattered. I stopped eating food. I didn’t eat properly for about 2 months. My weight decreased by 10 kgs. There was a lot of gas with pain in the abdomen. Here (showing her abdomen); there was rumbling in my abdomen. My sleep was lost. I started taking strong sedatives and tranquillizers. Now also I take a number of tablets daily and even then I can’t sleep. My heart sinks. I have gone in for angiography which was normal”.

“Dr. the sad feeling doesn’t leave me. I feel all alone. What has God done to me? Now I am sick. I can’t do any work at home. I feel God has snatched the most important thing from my life. I have lost everything. My husband was an angel. He was a very nice person. He was devoted towards his profession and his family members. My life is finished. I have nothing in my life. My mood is always off. I don’t want to talk to anyone. I want to be alone but can’t remain alone also. Somebody must be there with me.”

“Dr. I want to live. (By folding hands) I want to lead a normal life. I want to spend more time with my children. I want to live. I am sick; I want to be all right. I want to be a complete mother because since the day my husband left me; I have not taken care of my children. I want to talk to people. I want my children to be like their father. I ask them to work hard so that they can have a great career just like their father. I want to enjoy the company of my friends just like the old days. Since the day my husband left us, I have become very weak. My heart sinks. My head is dull and I can’t think. My heart beats very fast. I have forgotten to laugh. I have no happiness in my life. I don’t want to watch television, don’t want to listen to music. I was very religious but now I have no interest in religion also.”

“My relation with my husband was so good that I feel that there is no relation as pious as a relation between a man and his wife. I am surprised when I see husband wife quarrelling. I ask them to value this relation. I want to write a book on these relations.”

After discussion with Dr. Mann and careful study, she was prescribed Arsenic Album 30.

I prescribed Arsenic Album 30 and 6 later on but again the result was only little improvement.

After one month when there was no improvement, I studied the case in detail once again. This time my husband Dr. Avtar Singh was also sitting in my unit. On retaking the case, I took out the theme of the case which was as follows:

Analysis: This lady lost her husband. She became alone. She didn’t show her inner feelings of sadness. Why? Because she didn’t want to disturb her children. She was so caring that she tolerated everything within herself. When she came to me for the first time, she said, “I am Mrs. ……… (name and designation of her husband). Please help me. I am in great problem. I am very sick, please make me all right.” When I was discussing the case with Dr. Avtar Singh, she again introduced herself to Dr. Avtar Singh that I am wife of …… who was a very senior officer.” By introducing herself she was perhaps saying that she is not an ordinary lady but an important one. There was no haughtiness in her tone. I noticed that she was very polite. She talked in a very delicate way. She cared a lot for her family members. She talked for the welfare of all the people. She never shouted at anyone. There were many servants in her house but she talked to everyone nicely. During her case history she said, ‘My gardener is an old man, I always treat him as an elder in the family. I always say ‘ji’ (respect) with his name. Even if he does something wrong, I don’t shout.” I observed one more very important thing in her. When she was in my dispensary, a poor patient came and I gave her free medicine. But this lady gave money for the poor lady as well. Another time she brought her relative along with her for medicine. At that time also she paid for her relative’s medicine. I tried to understand this attitude of her. She was very nice, polite, gentle and yielding. I found a common word for her attitude as IDEALISTIC‘.

The common medicine that came out after selecting her rubrics was Platina. But I was reluctant to give this medicine because the old concept of Platina, being most haughty and egoistic was no where in her. Dr. Avtar Singh insisted me to give Platina.

5June 2002: I gave her Platina 30.

After a week she came in a very excited mood that she felt better. She said, “Dr. Sahib, for the first time in two years, I set the dining table myself. I started taking interest in household activities. My children were also astonished to see such a drastic change in me. I have started eating food regularly and the digestion is also normal. There is no rumbling or pain in my abdomen.” I advised her to reduce the dose of sedatives that she regularly takes.

Report after one month: She is much much better. She said, “Previously I used to take many sedatives but now I take only one tablet just for my satisfaction. Otherwise I am quite ok.”

Later on she got medicine for her children and never suffered from depression again.

It is advised not to take any medicine on your own by reading the treated cases.