
A female patient of 38 years from Cheeka, was suffering from joint pain from 5-6 years. It started from her feet and heels, increased upwards. Now the pain was very severe. Each and every joint was painful. The pain increased in cold open air. She had palpitation with anxiety during pains. Many times allopathic doctors advised for glucose drip as she was very thin and weak and she went for same.

Her uric acid was normal and R.A. factor was -ve. She was very thin and her blood pressure was very low.

She also had a problem of migraine from many years.

Nature and condition during problem: She said that pain was very severe and she did not want to do anything. During headache, she does not want to talk to anyone. She does not want to see anyone. She wants quiet and calm atmosphere. At that time even her children seem to be burden and she does not want to see them.

Rubrics :

  • Aversion to family members
  • Aversion to household chores
  • Aversion to children
  • Despair about miserable condition


07.5.10 I gave her Sepia 6,
14.5.10 No relief. Sepia 30
21.5.10 No relief, Sepia 200
28.5.10 No relief, Sepia 1M
04.6.10 As there was no improvement in one month, case was taken again.


Following physical rubrics were quoted:

  • Pain increased exertion
  • Increased in morning
  • Decreased in evening
  • Increased at night
  • Increased at midnight
  • Increased at sunrise and sunset

There were 2 medicines – Sepia and Kali Carb common in physical symptoms. Sepia gave no relief so I thought of giving Kali Carb.

04.6.10 Kali Carb 30
11.6.10 No relief at all. But pain was more severe. At this stage I thought of giving Ledum Pal on the basis of ‘origin’ of the pain. In the beginning she said that pain started in feet.
11.6.10 Ledum Pal 30
18.6.10 She felt relief for first time for 2 days but there was recurrence of pain. Ledum Pal 200
04.6.10 As there was no improvement in one month, case was taken again.
25.6.10 No relief at all.

But at this stage, she gave a very important symptom that when pain starts, for one moment she feels she has pain and the other moment she feels like she has no problem at all. I left everything and a rubric created by our Guru Dr. M.L. Sehgal. ‘Now well, now sick’ of Bell came to my mind. Earlier also she told that sometimes she has very severe pain and sometime she feels as if there is no problem at all.

25.6.10 I gave her Bell 30.
02.7.10 Better
09.7.10 Better
16.7.10 One day before coming to dispensary, she had pain in leg once again. Bell 30.
06.8.10 Better.
20.8.10 Better but headache continued. Bell 200.
24.9.10 She has fever from 2 days. Bell 6.
15.10.10 Much better, no pain
29.10.10 Better,
12.11.10 Better,

See in this case, the medicines were even tried on the basis of physical symptoms – Kali Carb, and Ledum Pal, but Bell gave relief that also on the basis of one rubric ‘now well, now sick’. This rubric is not found in any of the repertories, but Dr. M.L. Sehgal has created it on the basis of his patient’s clinical history. We use this rubric many times and get very good results. But in this particular case, it came into limelight very late after 2 months approximately. The patient will not feel relief until a best selected medicine is given to him. Other medicines may palliate or give temporary relief but Bell gave relief instantly and she still comes to me. Whatsoever is her problem, I give her Bell 30 or 6 in single dose and she feels fine.

What a wonderful science homoeopathy is.

It is advised not to take any medicine on your own by reading the treated cases.